ConsoleWorks 5.0

RegEx functionality updated

Regular Expressions in ConsoleWorks are even more powerful and robust with the addition of the pcre2 library.

Report Additions

All Reports now have the option to send their output as an email attachment.
A New Report type was added for ConsoleWorks audit messages to help you compile all ConsoleWorks activity during a specific time frame or by a certain User.
The Configuration Report was also updated to include a more complete list of associated ConsoleWorks components.

CWScript Additions

CWScripts can now be associated with a Schedule to have them run automatically.
The CWScript definition page now includes User Defined Fields like many of the other ConsoleWorks components.
CWScript now has access and capability to initiate XML imports/exports and ConsoleWorks backups.

Scheduled Events

Update the ConsoleWorks Schedule component to allow the associations of Events, CWScripts, and Backups. The change to scheduled events being handled by the Schedule component allows for improved security and more consistency.

XML Import/Export

Improved interface for Exporting and Importing ConsoleWorks data via XML

Interface Updates

Updated color scheme and minor improvements, including saving filters and layouts per profile, for the ConsoleWorks web interface.

Bind Address Management

Manage the ip addresses and port numbers that ConsoleWorks will listen on as well as the protocols to be served from each, allowing for greater configuration options and more ease in accessing the bind information.

Backups GUI

Initiate backups of the ConsoleWorks system on demand or on a defined schedule from within the main ConsoleWorks UI. Save and manage all of your previous backups and restore them with the click of a button.

Remote WEF

Monitor and manage Windows systems without installing the WEF application on each system. The Remote WEF acts as a gateway into the windows network, allowing for agentless Powershell access and routing of windows events and log files across your windows environment.

GUI Remote Access and Monitoring

Graphical interface access to your managed devices through ConsoleWorks via RDP or VNC. Sessions are recorded and can be played back in ConsoleWorks interface. Multiple people can share a connection, have their own independent connections, and monitor other sessions. Events that occur on corresponding Consoles while a graphical session is active are related to the recording and can be used to skip ahead in the playback to see what was happening when the Event occurred.
