
Configuring the SMTP Email Feature

Version Info:ConsoleWorks 4.7 (or later) is required to use the SMTP Configuration settings

As of ConsoleWorks 4.7 it is no longer necessary to use CWScripts and the SMTP Plugin, (PISMTP.dll) to send emails for Actions.
(You will likely need to get information and permission from your Mail Admins as to what server to use for your SMTP mail relay).

Ignoring Event Occurrences

With the abundance of messages received by most ConsoleWorks invocations, there will be plenty of non-important Event Occurrences that don't require your attention but still need to be cleaned up. Some Event Occurrences you may not want to receive or you may possibly want to ignore completely. You could remove the Events from your Scan or create a new Scan containing only the Events you are interested in. Both are acceptable options but neither may be the best choice should you change your mind in the future.