Configuring the SMTP Email Feature
As of ConsoleWorks 4.7 it is no longer necessary to use CWScripts and the SMTP Plugin, (PISMTP.dll) to send emails for Actions.
(You will likely need to get information and permission from your Mail Admins as to what server to use for your SMTP mail relay).
Include Local Contact Data
On the ADMIN: Server Management:Configuration page, fill in the Admin Contact: field with the name of your ConsoleWorks Administrator, email address and phone number. Separate these items by comma for readability.
Configure SMTP Email
Configuration for SMTP Email in ConsoleWorks is via the ADMIN: Server Management: SMTP Configuration page.
- The check box for SMTP Email services must be selected to enable this feature.
- Input the name or IP address of the mail server you'll be using.
- SMTP servers default to port 25 however this may be different in your environment.
- The Sending Host is typically the name of the ConsoleWorks host.
- Select the default Content Type, Plain Text or HTML for the outbound email.
- The From: address should be a format correct email address, but doesn't have to be routable.
- Include any CC: and or BCC: addresses you want to be added with every email. This can be more than one address separated by commas, or a Distribution List.
The bottom three check boxes relate to: - 1) Enable if you want to welcome new users with their username and temporary password via email. When enabled, the Drop Down menu for "Send Welcome Email:" is added to the USERS: Add User: Contact Info screen. Be sure to include the new users email address.
- 2) Allow them access to TDi Support. When checked, an email is sent to TDi Support where in turn we create an account for them.
- 3) Enable Unexpected Restart Email. This sends an Email to TDi Support letting TDi know that your ConsoleWorks server had an unexpected restart. If you included a CC: or BCC: in the above configuration those addresses will also receive this email alert.
Automatic Action using Internal SMTP
Now you can select Internal Script for the Type:, and Internal Email for your Action: